Patience is not about how long someone can wait... It's about how well they behave while they wait.

~ unknown

Monday, January 26, 2009

I do believe in fairies, I do, I do!

Here is my little Garden Sprite of a niece. Cute as a bugs ear!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Aha! So that's what's been going on....

I, wanna rock and roll all niiiiiight...

Ok, so, all that made it onto our camera are a few pics of the famous band "Chekov's Monsoon"!

Here we have the Uncles Jimmy and Geoff on drums and guitar, and Myranda and Ben on guitar and vocals.

The Uncles brought many fans to the band with their steely eyed concentration.

You can almost see David on drums in this shot. And Aunti Em rippin up the vocals.
Special mention should be made for the band members absent from our film... why can't we ever remember to take pics during all the fun?! Uncle Paul and Aunt Kat jammed on the guitars, and Aunt Mira embodied "Animal" on percussions.
Now I guess I need to beg everyone else for copies of all the other stuff that happened during the visit. LOL

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's a whole new world... well at least a whole new year. 2009, gosh I feel old now. But there is too much to look forward to in this year to be down long!

Our separation from the Army should come sometime in the fall. As with most things in the military the whole thing is rather fluid still.

We are looking forward to setting up our home in Washington state. It's been sitting there waiting for us for too long. About three years already! It seems there is so much to do... I think this year will pass quite quickly for us, and I hope to enjoy every minute of it, soaking up the time spent with my family!

(The end of 2008 and Christmas was spent enjoying family in Missouri. I will look for and post a few pics from that fun time soon.)