Patience is not about how long someone can wait... It's about how well they behave while they wait.

~ unknown

Friday, February 26, 2010

Tuppence a bag...

We noticed the chickadees were picking through the seed we put out and eating only the black sunflower seeds.... hmmm. Wouldn't think beggars would be choosers.... but we sprung for a bag of the good stuff and now they are enjoying quite the buffet line outside my window.

They will wait in the tree branches and then fly down one at a time to grab a seed. They are less graceful than I expected and land in the pan with a thump... sometimes bumping into the window first. It sounds like someone is tossing birds into the seed.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Got me a job!

I forgot to take the camera to town to take a pic, but here is a shot of the back of my T shirt. lol

I'll be starting at the little Drive In/Diner next weekend. It's very part time for now, but I'm glad to get something.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Last week we got a special delivery. Five trees, that we scattered around the homestead. We surrounded them with columns of fencing to ward off the deer nibbles, but there have been a few below freezing nights. Here's hoping they are strong enough to make it through.

Out in the yard we planted a Northern Red Oak.

Closer to the house is a Bartlett Pear.

Off of the kitchen and deck is a Red Maple.

Out in the field are also a Sycamore and a Weeping Willow. They are even harder to see in the pics though, and how many pictures of squinting kids do you need anyway?

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The dance.

Well, the dance was not all that was hoped for. It was however an introduction to teen girl drama.

Friend A was mad at Friend B because Friend B danced with Friend A's (EX) boyfriend.

Friend C was very emotional because of certain songs, for some unknown reason.

My little girl was caught in the middle... sweet enough to want to comfort the weeping girls... too emotional not to get caught up in the weeping herself.

Final stats...

~ half the time spent in the bathroom sharing in tears.
~ half the time she did manage to have some fun with some "less obsessed" friends.

When asked if she would go to the next dance, her reply was "Not for awhile at least."

I am hopeful she will be able to use this experience to her advantage so as to see what type of people she should surround herself with, and what type to steer clear of in the future.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Where's my baby girl?

Here is Myranda all ready for her first school dance.... looking pretty much nothing like the 3 year old falling asleep in her toybox, which is probably how I will always see her in my mind. Who is this young lady anyway?

I thought her hair turned out so pretty, I wanted to show you the back too.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Equal Opportunity bird feeder

Chickadees are my favorite bird. I love how they are so tiny, round and cute. We put out a small bird feeder for them. This little guy was having a heck of a time. He could see the seed, but couldn't quite figure out how to get it.

He was "tap, tap, tapping" at the clear tube while the seed was falling out past his feet.

We could not stop laughing.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Woo Hoo!

Big news up here now is that the Power Ball Lotto has come to Washington. But there is a fly in the ointment.... It seems that by opening it up to WA, the odds of winning have decreased greatly. (Not that they were very great before).

But now......

You have better odds of getting struck by lightning 350 TIMES than winning this lotto.

Woo baby, sign me up. /NOT