Patience is not about how long someone can wait... It's about how well they behave while they wait.

~ unknown

Monday, September 14, 2009

The last bit

So it's really the wee hours of the morning... I couldn't sleep so got up to do "just a few more things". Hopefully I got enough of those nagging little bits done that I can get a few hours of sleep before the packers arrive!

I am REALLY glad that we don't have to pack ourselves. But I do always feel awkward hanging around watching while they wrap all our belongings in paper and pack them into boxes. I'm trying my best to just look ahead a few days and then I can relax a little.

Since I can't run the vacuum or poke around in the bedrooms while everyone is sleeping, I guess I will turn in again.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Moving right along

Success! My plan has worked. We sold our washer and dryer at the yard sale yesterday so I no longer have to do laundry! Muahahaha

Well until Wednesday night at the guest house when I lug everything we have worn since yesterday to the laundromat. Oh victory can be sweet but short lived.

We also managed to sell our old dining set, and a BUNCH of other things. Then the bit that was left was dropped off at the post thrift store. Though I always have to work through some issues letting things go, it really feels good to have such a volume of "stuff" out of the house.

And so now I sit here procrastinating for a few more minutes. The kids are upstairs cleaning up what they can find to do. David is in the basement.... oh what a job that is.

mmmmm kinda nice to just sit here while everyone is busy. mmmmmm

Ok, the guilt is too much. Next on my list is separate all the clothing we are going to want for the move and clear out the large bathroom so it can be a staging area for stuff we don't want the packers to touch.

Friday, September 11, 2009


The flags are at half mast. Our thoughts return to that fatefull day. It doesn't seem like it could be eight years past.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Drinking problem

I finally figured out how to post Youtube videos in a blog post... And there was much rejoicing.

You must watch this video. I can't stop laughing. I wonder how he does with food?