Patience is not about how long someone can wait... It's about how well they behave while they wait.

~ unknown

Thursday, September 30, 2010


Math quiz

Tonight at dinner I mentioned how I was trying to decide whether to buy and bring home two small pizza's or one large one.  I ended up making my decision based on the weight listed on the box... the large pizza was 3lbs for twice the price of the small 1lb pizza. 

The small vs large pizza had been a conundrum for us before, and I could not remember what was decided, so having the weight listed on the box was a relief for me.

Of course the talk then turned to how you can figure out which is the better deal by size.... Next thing I know David is proposing the question of which is a bigger area (more pizza)... thirty 1 inch diameter beer caps, or one 10 inch diameter dinner plate.  Myranda is studiously calculating at her seat using a left over shred of carrot in a puddle of dressing.  And I am thinking I wish I had some pie. 

I'll let you know how it turns out.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Time, in the World According to Ben

We had a fun nacho dinner upstairs in the theater while we watched the movie "Prince of Persia" last night.

After the movie we were all wondering what time it was, and how close it was to bed time.

A quick check of a clock and it was announced that it was "6:54"

Ben and I were carrying dishes downstairs when he exclaimed:

    "I can't believe it's 6:54..... it feels more like 8:16!"

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cat Furniture

After looking around and cringing at the prices of various cat "trees" and houses, David decided to make one himself.  It cost a fraction of what we would have spent buying it premade, and I really like how it turned out.

The cats seem to love it too!

Tiana has the blue collar and Lily the orange one.

The End

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Arrr, It be the 19th O' September...

Surely all ye scallywags must be rememberin about National Talk Like a Pirate Day!

Now get out there, swab that deck an be spreadin the word.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Handmade gifts

Most of you probably know I like to make things for gifts. 

Myranda seems to be following in my footsteps.  She is going to a birthday party tomorrow for a friend at school.  She decided she wanted to make something for the gift and this scarf is the result.  It is made of red and purple fleece.  (Her friend's two favorite colors).  She had to do the stitching by hand as I still have not found my sewing machine... I swear I used to have one, though it was broken the last time I used it.  Maybe I tossed it out the window and erased it from my memory. 

I think she did a great job and I am sure her friend is going to love it, especially once the weather is cool enough to wear it.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nine years ago

I can't believe it's been that long.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Splitting logs

Last week on my day off David went out to split some of the logs he had waiting in the wood shed.  I wanted to watch a bit as he normally does this when I am at work.  Let me say, he makes it look A LOT easier than it really is.  There were quite a few logs that he and the kids had brought over from the forest previously.

He uses a maul to split them.

I tried and tried to snap a pic at the perfect moment so you could see the log splitting.  But every pic comes out looking like this one:
It was fun to watch because it looks like the log just jumps apart.  Like I said, he made it look easy, so I wanted to give it a try.
No, I couldn't be bothered to fix my hair, put on some makeup or even change out of my PJ's.... It was my day off!
Let me just tell you, that maul is HEAVY!  It was really all I could do to hang onto it... and yet all I got for my trouble was a disappointing thud as it landed on top of the log... barely making a dent.  No magical flying apart of the wood... no logs jumping out of the way to avoid the strength of my hit. 
I think I even heard it laugh.
Thankfully I have David to teach those logs who is boss, and provide us with warmth this winter.  That first stack above is three deep... I had to hold the camera up over my head to get a shot looking down on it.
David split some more and started a new row along the back of the wood shed.
He has since finished up all those rounds that were in the pics, and filled it back up with some more needing to be split.  We are going to be toasty this winter. 

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Cats hate water

Ok, evidently not our cats.  If you turn on the faucet they trip over eachother and themselves trying to get up to it as quickly as possible.  I think water is their favorite toy.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

First day of school, Fall 2010

So here it is the beginning of another school year.  Myranda is starting 8th, (yes 8th!), grade.  Ben is starting 2nd.  It was the typical frantic dash this morning after being out of the routine for a few months.  "Where are my gym shoes, don't forget your lunch box, did you brush your teeth?, do you have your schedule"... up and
down the stairs several times... "Mommmm, another picture!?".