Patience is not about how long someone can wait... It's about how well they behave while they wait.

~ unknown

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

A good day for sledding

We have gotten a lot of snow lately.  With about a foot on the ground and the sun peeking out, we decided to have some fun.  Lucky for me the camera was not around until after I had finished my runs down the hill. 

 Ben gets some serious air with his "technique"... he jumps onto the sled while running toward the hill... He did this over and over again.  My knees had sympathy pains for the rest of the evening.

 His cheeks were beyond the "nice and rosy" stage and it was about time to come in and warm up.

On a side note, I don't understand why blogger had a perfectly wonderful updated way to upload photos... and now it's gone.  For a couple of weeks I was able to select multiple photos and drag and drop them wherever I wanted them in a post... and now it's back to a real user UNFRIENDLY version that I HATE.

Ok, I'm alright now... well until the next time I want to upload photos.

Friday, November 26, 2010

So Thankful

We celebrated Thanksgiving on Sunday.  It was just the four of us here, but we enjoyed it.  We are thankful for so much, and that includes YOU

(and him, and her, and them.... but especially YOU!)

Hoping you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.... now who out there is going to the Friday sales? =P

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Fixed? We weren't even broken!

The girls went to the vet to get spayed on Monday.  The doc said it went well and they came home that evening.  They are doing a lot of laying around and getting yelled at for licking their poor tummies.  Hopefully they will be back to their chipper selves soon.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The World According to Ben

While we were in the truck driving yesterday, Ben was commenting on all the fog.

Randa:  "That's not fog, it's snowing."

Ben:  "No, it's fog.... see out there, you can't even see the mountain."

David:  "It's snow, not fog.  Snow lowers the visibility like fog does.  That's why you can't see the mountain."

Ben:  "What's pissability?"

David:  "..."

Saturday, November 13, 2010


We woke up to some real white stuff this morning.  The kids are having a ball.  =P

Friday, November 12, 2010

Little Hunter

It is looking like Tiana is going to be the best hunter of the kittens.  When she spots an intruding insect she will start a high pitched rapid meowing and do all she can to get to where the bug is.  Here are some pictures of when she noticed one of the Pine Beetles in the window.  (These beetles are a type of stink bug so do not taste good... she knows this but still could not just let it be).

As you can imagine she is also very interested in Stitch the gerbil.  She will stand on her hind legs and watch him in his cage for as long as she can.  So far he does not seem to care.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Veterans Day Festivities

 Kettle Falls had a Veterans Day celebration yesterday.  The Middle School hosted an assembly for all the schools, local veterans and anyone else who wanted to attend (mostly just some parents).  The cub scouts stood at attention while the older scouts brought out the flag and led the pledge.  We ended up sitting right behind Ben at the beginning.  Myranda is actually in that first picture as well, though we had not spotted her yet.

There she is!  (third face from the bottom left)

After the scouts moved back into the bleachers with their classmates there was was singing (Yankee Doodle).

Then it all moved outside for a parade down the main road through town.

It was cold, and not much turn out, but the kids seemed to enjoy it.  We hope everyone has a great Veterans Day this year and thank you to all those who have and are serving our country and protecting our freedom!

Sunday, November 7, 2010


David put a small shelf over the doorway from the living room to the dining room.  Perfect for kittens to perch upon.

There is a carpeted board attached to the wall in the corner that lets them climb up to it.  They stick to it really well... even after having their nails clipped, which surprised me.

These last three are all of TigerLily since Tiana is usually too busy getting into trouble to be in a picture.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Reinforcement of spooky antics

When I got to work yesterday I found out that we won the decorations contest for Trunk or Treat.  We had already been thinking of next year... now we have to defend our title!  =P

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

That's my boy

We asked the kids today, "What do you want for Christmas?"

Before this question could prompt the lengthy list of everything from a Wii to Unicorns and anything else their little minds could imagine, David prefaced it with "Try and think of something that we would actually be able to get you."

Needing no longer than a couple of seconds to think, Ben blurted out; "My own food!"