Patience is not about how long someone can wait... It's about how well they behave while they wait.

~ unknown

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Blue and Gold Cake Auction

Last week Benjamin's cub scout pack had their Blue and Gold Ceremony.  There was a nice pot luck dinner and a cake auction afterwards.  All the cakes were made by the scouts and their Dad's (or other male helper).  Half the money made from the auction goes towards scout functions and the other half was donated to the local food bank.

Here are some pictures of Ben and David's cake, the "Blue and Gold Racer":

I thought they did an incredible job on it, and I think it was a lot of fun for both of them.  There are already plans being drawn up for next year. 

Monday, February 21, 2011

A great day and The World According to Ben

We had a great family day trip to Spokane today.  It has been quite awhile since we have been able to have a day off with the kids and all go to town.  It was a beautiful day for driving and lots of fun talking and laughing together were had.  (We even had uncontrollable belly laughs from both kids at lunch that got David and I laughing so hard we all had tears in our eyes).  It was... awesome.

In the morning on the trip down Ben added to the conversation by telling us about his dream last night.

Ben:  "I had a dream that we were really rich."

Us:  "Oh that's a nice dream to have."

Ben:  "But, there were alligators all over the road."

David:  "Well would you rather be rich with alligators all over the road or poor with no alligators?"

Ben:  "Poor with no alligators!"

David:  "Your wish is granted."


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Our Calvin

If you are a fan of Calvin and Hobbes, you might remember the strip where they take family pictures and Calvin absolutely can not take a normal picture for anything. 

Well this winter when we were trying to snap a family pic for Christmas we knew we were going to have to take MANY pictures to get one or two to pick from.... and we were right.  Below you can see a few of the photos that we couldn't use, but were too funny not to share....

The best part of this?  After David and I had a great laugh looking at these and picking out one or two that we could use, we decided to show Ben since he had been quite vocal during the photo shoot about how many we were having to take.... His response was not one I expected, but so funny... He thought I had done something with photoshop to change his face, he had no idea he was looking like that in the pictures. 

That's our boy!

Monday, February 14, 2011

My love...

You have filled my heart with joy,
my soul with music,
and made me believe in unconditional love.
My heart has been and always will be yours.

David, will you be my Valentine?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

So, it's my birthday again...

and I just had to share this:

sadly, I have been able to relate to this for several years now.