Patience is not about how long someone can wait... It's about how well they behave while they wait.

~ unknown

Friday, November 23, 2012

Winner, winner, chicken dinner...

Finally got the word that we did indeed take first place in the trunk or treat contest.  It was a lot of fun and so many people have told me that they really loved our display and costumes.  Yay!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Trunk or Treat 2012

I posted a few pics on facebook, but wanted to post more here.  We had a really good time with this trunk or treat.  We decided on the theme on the way home from last years effort.  This was a whole family activity.
Here is the rough set up of the first few pieces in the truck.
Fitting Ben for his bald cap.  We also had to make sure he was not going to have a reaction to the spirit gum.  A couple of months before he actually offered to shave his head, but later reconsidered and we went with the bald cap.  =P

David trying on the Oogie Boogie costume.

The truck set up.

Painting Ben's head.  I think that look is saying "I've had toooo much sugar already."

Ben trying to decide if the goggles will work.  They kept fogging up and he already had trouble hearing with the bald cap over his ears...
We eventually decided he should move the goggles up on his forehead so he could at least see.
Myranda sewed the patches on her dress.  She did the back also, but evidently I didn't get a photo of her rear.

Hamming it up.

Hamming it up some more.



It was really a lot of fun.  We had songs playing from the sound track and Sally and Oogie Boogie sang along to their songs.  Ben was a good D.J. and I believe he and I enjoyed singing along too. 
Have I mentioned that I love Halloween?

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The World According to Ben

Ben has been home sick for a couple of days now.  Yesterday I took him out to town on some errands with me and to pick up some medicine for him.  With the election being on every one's minds we somehow got on the subject of voting.  Our conversation ran the gamut from the predictable "who did you vote for?" to how a President is actually picked, etc.

Then I shared with him that there were other things on the ballot besides voting for the President.

Me:  "There were some other offices to vote for and also some other questions to vote on."

Ben:  "There's other questions?!"

Me:  "Yeah, there were several."

Ben:  *His face lighting up and eyes getting big and excited*... "Other questions... like 'what's your favorite food?!', because I totally know what I would vote for if they asked that!"


By the way, in case you are wondering, he would "totally" vote for Pizza.

Friday, October 12, 2012

more dressup day fun

Didn't get a pic of  Monday when she borrowed a team jersey, or of Wednesday when she was decked out like a cowgirl... but here she is for medieval day.  We try to come up with stuff we already have instead of buying things... so some are more of a stretch, but we decided she looked like Juliet from Shakespeare.

and today is Blue and Gold (school colors).  All the schools in Kettle celebrate today, the homecoming football game is tonight and the kids will be paraded through the streets on their school buses at the end of the day.  =) 

I sketched the bulldog mascot on her cheek.

Bullpups celebrate too!

Thanks for the great jacket Aunt Kat!!

Myranda will be singing the National Anthem with the HS Choir at the game tonight.  I hope I can make it in time after work to hear her. 

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Homecoming week again

It's homecoming week again, and that means fun dress up days!  Today is "Disney Character" day.  Myranda scavanged her closet and after dying and trimming an old skirt, here is her version of Tinkerbell.

I think she looks so cute!

Tink's brother is all ready for school too.  ;)

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Photo Shoot

We had a "school picture" photo shoot at home yesterday.  Here are the ones of the kids together.

Monday, September 3, 2012

The World According to Ben

I had dreams of all the grasshoppers the chickens were going to eat for us, but it seems they have not gotten the hint yet.  I thought maybe the kids should get a few and give to them to show them the delicacy that was waiting.  David stepped up with some encouragement.

David:  "I will give you 5 minutes of computer time for every grass hopper you catch and put in a container."

Ben:  "Dad, you shouldn't make that deal, because that's something I would do anyway."

First day of school Fall 2012

The kids started school last week. 
Here they are going off for their first day of 10th and 4th grade.... can you believe it?... I can't!

And yeah, the fact that my last update was the last day of school of last year has not escaped my attention... I will try to do better!  ;)

Monday, June 11, 2012

Last day of School year 2011/2012

Ben and Randa, both with new haircuts off to the last day (actually only about 2 hours) of school.

Myranda will be the Student Body Sophomore Secretary and Treasurer next year!

Ben is happy with the shirt I painted for him last week.

All the Kettle Falls schools mascots are bulldogs... and the Elementary kids are called the Bull Pups.