Patience is not about how long someone can wait... It's about how well they behave while they wait.

~ unknown

Monday, July 22, 2013

At the Drive In Movie Theatre

We are lucky to have a real drive in theatre up here in Colville.  Sadly this is probably the last summer it will be open.  We took the kids a couple of weekends ago... boy does it make for a LATE night!  We saw Monsters University and The Lone Ranger.  I think Ben saw about 8 minutes of The Lone Ranger and then was sound asleep.  ;)


Our kids really like Japanese Anime. When they heard there was an Anime convention coming to Spokane they talked their Dad into taking them.  Myranda made a costume and went as her favorite character "Cheshire" from Pandora Hearts.  She bought a basic black wig from a costume shop and made everything else in a couple of days.  We tried to spike Ben's hair up like every Anime boy but alas he really needs a haircut and it was too heavy.  They did have a good time and hope to go again next year. 

"Thanks Dad!"

Rainbow girl

Just found my camera and started looking through some pics I had forgotten about.  I think this was the last day of school or close to it.   Myranda colored her hair with artist chalk pastels and did her eye shadow to match.  It was fun to see her vibrant personality show on the surface.