Patience is not about how long someone can wait... It's about how well they behave while they wait.

~ unknown

Thursday, February 16, 2012

"King's Realm"

They did a bit more work on the cake before the auction.  They also titled it "King's Realm"

Here is the back

and the front

Good job guys!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Blue and Gold cake build

It's time again for the Blue and Gold Ceremony in cub scouts.  The boys in Webelos move up to boy scouts.  There is a big pot luck dinner and a cake auction.  The cub scouts and their Dads make the cakes and the auction is open to the community.  The money gained is shared with the local food bank.

This year, Ben and David wanted to make a castle cake.  There was much planning involved and lots of yummy fun. 

Here is Ben measuring for the piece that will go between the towers.

They had a great idea for a moat made from candy chocolate rocks and blue Jello.

The flags are made out of fruit leather.

Ben constructing a catapult.

This is the "probable" finished cake... they had several more ideas they wanted to try, but after spending most of the day building and frosting they might be finished.

a close up of one of the catapults.  (I like the Whopper cannon ball that is stuck in the castle wall).

Jello "fire" on top of one of the towers.

I think they did a great job and I hope we can transport it in one piece to the auction on Wednesday. 

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Guess who's 9!

Our little guy is growing up fast!

Really can't believe he is 9 already

His requested cake this year was similar to last years... He wanted a version of a picture he drew when he was younger and has had hanging on his wall.  Pretty much just a picture of the family with grass and sky.  The cake this year was white with lemon filling and buttercream frosting.  I made it at work so it was quite a bit easier with access to premixed colors and the airbrush.  I think he liked it.

Happy Birthday Boy!