Patience is not about how long someone can wait... It's about how well they behave while they wait.

~ unknown

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Made to order

Each year we ask the kids what kind of cake they want for their birthday. Last week Ben had told me he wanted a chocolate cake with green icing and M&Ms.... I was on board with that.

Then yesterday he decided to elaborate a bit. What he really wanted was a chocolate cake with a ball of pudding in the middle, a green monster on the top with blue clouds, and black icing all around.

Here is what we came up with, minus the ball of pudding and black icing. And no I can't be submitted to cake wrecks because I am not a professional. =P

It was also getting late last night, we had the giggles already, and we really should have used some more icing on the sides.... But look how excited he was when he saw it.

Happy Birthday Ben!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Wrapping paper storage

I made this a couple of weekends ago to store some of our wrapping paper. I used a roll of ribbon from the dollar store, and stitched it by hand since I still have not uncovered my sewing machine (which is broken anyway). I did it while watching a movie so wasn't bad at all.

It would look nicer with a wood dowel at the top for hanging, but what I had on hand was a plastic pole thing from a stroller flag. David had some big hooks already, so it really only cost me the $1 for the ribbon.

I still have enough wrapping paper to need another one of these and plan on making it soon. I like it so far because I can see the paper easily, it's not laying around tripping me and it's not getting ripped up.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

The World According to Ben

We were driving back from our tiny town post office late afternoon yesterday after the kids were home from school. I was noticing and commenting on the large amount of deer around.

As we came up to the last turn before our road, there were two deer right there on the hillside. They were not spooked at our vehicle and just stared at us. David commented that one was even laying down, relaxing.

Ben: "Yeah, it's a baby! That's probably their nest."

Oh the laughter that erupted in the truck! Now I am having visions of the omelet I could make with a deer egg.

In his defense, we have probably said something about deer "nesting" under our apple tree at some point.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


If I had gotten to the camera about a minute sooner, it would have been more vibrant, but was still really pretty so wanted to share.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Bird watching.... us

This guy showed up yesterday and today to sample some seed David had put in the elbow of the tree to tempt chickadees. We think he is probably some kind of woodpecker, so are hoping he will stick to seed and tree and stay off our siding.
He is mostly black, very dark.... but has the most beautiful iridescent dark blue.... It showed up a bit on the pics but is so much prettier with the naked eye. (We live in the mountains where we can walk around with our eyes naked all day.)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The World According to Ben

*conversation while matching and folding socks*

Ben: "So, Daddy's feet are bigger than yours?"

Me: "Yes, he is taller than I am too. Taller people normally have bigger feet."

Ben: (thinks for a minute)... "ohhh that must be why frogs have such tiny feet... because they are so short."

Me: ...

Friday, January 8, 2010

Walkin in a winter wonderland

Just wanted to share some pics we took earlier in the week of our place in the snow.

These last two are looking down the driveway to the road out front.

Monday, January 4, 2010

So, school is back in session...

It's not even 9am yet. The kids drove off on the bus two hours ago. What have we done so far this morning?

David has crossed off 3 things on his "to do" list. Only has a couple more to go. woot!

We also got caught up on "Heroes"... had to watch the last episode before tonight's two hour special. woot, woot!

David has also already spent much time fiddling with his computer trying to get the game "Marrowind" to run properly. Hoping his newest fix will work. It's an old but real cool game.... single player (non online) rpg with great graphics.

So, if you are keeping track, it looks like David has had a productive morning, and I have watched TV. lol But wait... I think I am going to spend an hour or so playing Sims 3 so that should redeem me, right? right?

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010 to everyone. We hope it is a wonderful year!