Patience is not about how long someone can wait... It's about how well they behave while they wait.

~ unknown

Sunday, May 4, 2014

the latest...

Lots going on! 

The kids are doing so well in school, we are very proud of them both. 

Ben has gotten a certificate for reading over 2 Million words at school now.  He is reading books at least a grade level above him.  I'm so glad he enjoys reading.  Ben is also playing baseball again this year.  He has moved up to the "major league" for 11 and 12 year olds.  He is learning a lot and enjoying it. 

Myranda was recognized by the American Association of University Women (Colville chapter) for her accomplishments in Math.  She has also been asked to hand out flowers at the Kettle Falls High School graduation ceremony this year as she has the highest gpa of all the girls in the jr class. 

The Woodland Theatre spring choir concert is coming up this weekend (May 10th and 11th).  David, Myranda and I will all be singing in it this year.  It has been a lot of fun rehearsing songs from the late 60's and 70's.  I am thinking maybe I can turn a pair of my jeans into some bell-bottoms to wear to the performance.  ;)


Summer Hard Feet said...

Myranda and Ben are doing fantastic things!! We are so proud of them. Myranda with the highest GPA, wonderful. Ben reading so much and having success in sports. Doesen't get any better.


Summer Hard Feet said...

Which books does Ben like? Has he read any of Gary Paulson's?

Mira Loyborg said...

Wow that is fantastic! Keep up the great work Myranda and Ben!